List of extensions and tools

Extensions in this organization

The extensions hosted in this organization.

Extensions from elsewhere

This a list of nice JupyterLab extensions not part of jupyterlab-contrib organization.

Feel free to edit this page to add more information by clicking on Edit on GitHub in the top right corner of this page.


  • Dash: Extension for the Interactive development of Dash apps in JupyterLab.

  • jupyter-containds: Companion Jupyter extension for ContainDS Dashboards (dashboards sharing service within JupyterHub).

  • StickyLand: Break the linear presentation of Jupyter Notebooks with sticky cells!

  • voila-gridstack: JupyterLab extension to build gridstack dashboard with voilà.

  • voila-preview: JupyterLab extension that displays a Voilà preview of your Notebook in a side-pane.

GPU Management

  • genv: GPU Environment Management for JupyterLab



  • Code Formatter: Easily beautifies Python code inside JupyterLab using one of the formatters: Black/YAPF/AutoPEP8.

  • Collapsable Headings: Allows to collapse an entire group of cells under the same header

  • DrawIO: An extension to draw diagrams in JupyterLab.

  • Go to definition: Allows you to Alt + click on a variable to jump to its definition.

  • Language Server Protocol: Brings VS Code features (code navigation, hover suggestions, linters, autocompletion, etc.) to JupyterLab

  • LaTeX: An extension for JupyterLab which allows for live-editing of LaTeX documents.

  • jupyterlab_markup: JupyterLab extension to enable markdown-it rendering, with support for markdown-it plugins

  • jupyterlab_myst: JupyterLab extension to enable MyST Markdown rendering

  • Table of Contents: [Built-in since v3] Generates a table of content for your notebook and markdown documents.


  • JupyterLab Pioneer: A JupyterLab extension for generating and exporting JupyterLab event telemetry data.

UI enhancement

Viewers / Renderers

  • Bokeh: An extension rendering Bokeh content

  • Dash: An extension for rendering Plotly Dash apps as a separate window.

  • Evidently - Interactive reports to analyze machine learning models during validation or production monitoring.

  • fasta: Fasta renderer

  • geojson: Geojson renderer

  • HDF5:

    • jupyterlab-hdf5: Open and explore HDF5 files in JupyterLab. Can handle very large (TB) sized files, and datasets of any dimensionality.

    • jupyterlab-h5web: A JupyterLab extension to explore and visualize HDF5 file contents based on h5web.

  • jupyterlab_iframe - View html as an embedded iframe in JupyterLab

  • ipysheet: Interactive spreadsheet in JupyterLab.

  • ipywidgets: Interactive widgets for the Jupyter Notebook

  • katex: Katex renderer

  • mathjax3: MathJax 3 renderer

  • matplotlib: Matplotlib Jupyter Integration

  • Plotly: Plotly renderer

  • vega2: Vega 2 renderer

  • vega3: Vega 3 renderer

  • voyager: A JupyterLab MIME renderer extension to view CSV and JSON data in Voyager 2.

Version Control

  • Databooks: A command-line utility that eases versioning and sharing of notebooks.

  • Git: Git extension

  • GitHub: GitHub extension

  • GitLab: GitLab extension

  • jupyterlab_autoversion: Automatically version jupyter notebooks in JupyterLab

  • jupyterlab-pullrequests: A JupyterLab extension for reviewing GitHub and GitLab pull requests

  • nbdime: Human friendly notebook differences viewer

  • neptune-notebooks: An extension that lets you version, diff, and share your JupyterLab and Jupyter notebooks on

  • Verdant: An experimental tool that stores and visualizes local versioning in JupyterLab.

Templates handling


Miscellaneous extensions

  • Dask: Manage Dask clusters, as well as embed Dask’s dashboard plots directly into JupyterLab panes.

  • Ganimede - Store, version, edit and execute notebooks in sandboxes and integrate them directly via REST interfaces.

  • gator: Conda environment and package management extension from within Jupyter

  • jupyter-ai: A generative AI extension for JupyterLab

  • jupyterlab-autoplay: Run and hide code cells automatically when opening a notebook.

  • jupyterlab-autorun-cells (Code repo is gone): Allows toggling of code cells to execute automatically after opening a notebook.

  • jupyterlab_commands - Add arbitrary python commands to the jupyterlab command palette

  • jupyterlab_debugger: [Built-in since v3] JupyterLab extension to allow visual debuggeing of Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files.

  • jupyterlab_email: A jupyterlab extension to email notebooks directly from JupyterLab.

  • jupyterlab-pyflyby: A labextension to integrate pyflyby(an auto-import tool) with notebooks

  • jupyterlab-sos: Jupyterlab extension for SoS Polyglot Notebook and Workflow Engine, allows multiple kernels in one notebook

  • jupyterlab_spark: Spark Application UI extension for JupyterLab

  • jupyterlab_tensorboard: Tensorboard extension for jupyterlab

  • jupyter-stack-trace: Click on the stack trace to open the respective file or a web search.

  • jupyter-videochat: Video Chat with JupyterHub peers inside JupyterLab, powered by Jitsi

  • jupytext: Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts

  • KnowledgeLab: KnowledgeRepo + JupyterLab

  • lantern: Data exploration kit

  • ML Workspace: All-in-one web IDE for machine learning and data science. Combines Jupyterlab, VS Code, Tensorflow, and many other tools/libraries into one Docker image.

  • nbcelltests - Cell-by-cell testing for production Jupyter notebooks in JupyterLab

  • scriptedforms: Quickly create live-update GUIs for Python packages using Markdown and simple HTML elements.

You can also look for:

  • Repositories with topic jupyterlab-extension on GitHub.

  • NodeJS package with keyword jupyterlab-extension on npmjs.

If you don’t find what you are looking here or in the web, you can always start coding a new extension; for more information have a look at the documentation.
